About Us
Correct Air Engineering is a certified Third party licensed Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC)
contracting firm; which specializes in load calculations for residential and light commercial HVAC system design.
As a Certified Third Party, we do not sell, install or repair equipment; we simply provide quality assurance
for HVAC contractors by designing systems from an independent, unbiased perspective. Our senior designer
Glenn Goetzinger is a HVAC Licensed Master and has prepared thousands of load calculations over his 55 years in
the trade. Many States and local codes now require Manual J, N, D and S calculations for every new project and
upgrades of existing projects. And many States and municipalities require them to be performed by a third party provider.
The load calculation process was developed by engineers in the heating and air
conditioning industry and has been used for decades to accurately size heating and air-conditioning equipment.
After completing this load calculation process, one can determine the properly sized piece of HVAC equipment
to satisfy the load requirements.
If your contractor uses a "RULE of THUMB", get another contractor.
If your contractor uses a an "EXCEL PROGRAM/SPREAD SHEET", get another contractor.
If your contractor is NOT using a "Certified & Licensed 3rd Party Load Calculation Firm", get another contractor.
Why Hire Us To Do Your Manual J, N & D Reports?
We provide super fast turn around times and extremely accurate certified calculation reports to architects, energy
consultants, HVAC contractors, and builders nationwide.
Our reports are ACCA Manual J 8th Edition Certified, and our reports utilize the ASHRAE CLTD or ASHRAE RTS method.
Offering over 55 years of HVAC experience "not combined".
Beware of free on line Manual J calculations as they are very inaccurate, and misleading.
Beware of EXCEL SPREAD SHEET Manual J programs and calculations, Excel programs do not have enough power and
capability to perform an accurate Manual J calculation.


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Services Available
- Manual J 8th. Edition Certified, (Accurate Residential Load Calculations)
- Manual D, (Accurate Residencial Duct sizing Calculations)
- Manual S, (Accurate Residencial Equipment Selection of type and size to meet the capacity
requirements from the Manual J, load calculation)
- Manual N, (Accurate Commercial Load Calculations)
- Manual Q, (Accurate Commercial Duct Design)
- Manual T, (Air Distribution, Terminal Selection for residential & small commercial buildings), "will assist to prevent drafts and stagnant air problems caused by
improper sizing or incorrect equipment selection. Detail selection, size, and location of supply air diffusers, grilles and registers,
and the return grilles. It uses manufacturers comprehensive performance data, calculate pressure losses, and controls noise."
- Duct Takeoff Services, Don't worry. Get our takeoff experts to complete your construction material takeoffs accurately and on time.
Listing trunk duct, branch duct and sizes, Fitting required for system or systems, for peak performance.
- Boiler & Hydronic Design Services
- Biosafety Level 1, 2, 3, 4 Room Load Calculation Services
- Clean Room Load Calculation Design Services
- Data Room Load ASHRAE TC 9.9 Calculation Services
- Laboratory Load Calculation Services
- Undergroung Bunker Room Load Calculation Services
- SCIF Room Load Calculation Services
- HVAC Duct Design Services
- HVAC Design Services For Residential & Commercial HVAC Systems
- HVAC Design Services For Funeral Homes, Embalming, Mortuary, Autopsy Room Air Systems
- HVAC Design Services For Underground Bunker Air Systems
- HVAC Forensic & Expert Witness Services
- HVAC Consulting Services
- HVAC Undergroung Bunker Air Quality Consulting
- HVAC SCIF Consulting Services
- Laboratory Ventilation Design Services
- Site Surveys & Construction Inspection Services
- Electronic Files and Reports Services, (emailed directly to you in PDF format)
- Electronic Payment Services, We accepts all major credit cards from Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover.